Tuesday, June 30, 2020

A busy raccoon night....

First, we had the cubs out in daylight, then, because we were late getting food out, this guy came to the back door to see what the problem was !! When the food was out, the City BBQ Texas toast was its usual hit!! The raccoons reacted as the fox made an appearance - they learn to climb trees early. Finally, when everything settled, we had the crowd back.  

Mike Mason

Monday, June 29, 2020

Food fight and a request for breakfast......

These two raccoons had a food fight over the bread last night, and a raccoon was at the back door at 9:30 this morning looking for breakfast!!! 
YouTube Video https://youtu.be/1VkoIeS1ObU 

Mike Mason

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Ricky close up and rib bones for all ages of raccoons....

Tame Ricky demanding food during the day - but will to let me stay close. It seems young and old raccoons enjoy Firebird's rib bones!!!! 
YouTube Video https://youtu.be/3DC7kGCYzt0 

Mike Mason

Saturday, June 27, 2020

A busy raccoon time and a hummingbird visit

A busy raccoon time. Tame Ricky was waiting - and enjoyed a chicken bone. One cub seemed to be checking with mom if it was time to come out, and then the two families - the four cubs and two cubs met up.  

We are still getting visits from the hummingbirds.  
YouTube Video https://youtu.be/uO1Pwnor5AA

Also, Tame Ricky comes over to the house, places its orders and then sits in the tree until I go out!!!  I think I'm getting well trained!!!!

Mike Mason

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Raccoon families

The raccoon families are still active - four cubs and two cubs. 
YouTube Video  https://youtu.be/JJF_Sg6Q9fA

Mike Mason

Monday, June 22, 2020

Mother raccoon discipline......

Mother raccoons can be tough on discipline. This cub went wandering in the wrong direction - mother grabbed it and took it back to the nest!!! Later when they came out - the cubs went the right way!!!! 
YouTube Video https://youtu.be/czPJ9y4y4wg 

Mike Mason

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Just a raccoon night.......

The five raccoons scattered for some reason. Later the four cubs and mother were out.
YouTube Video https://youtu.be/COcc6YTnrVU  

Mike Mason

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Evening to morning activity.

Evening to morning activity.
First we have momma - at MIDDAY - taking out the cubs. Then "tame ricky" was even closer - a couple of feet away.
A raccoon decided the drinking bowl was a paddling pool!!!
Raccoon and possum sharing, then momma brings the cubs over to the seed trays - and one also decides that the drinking bowl is a paddling pool!!
Final raccoon visit at 7:35 this morning, and lastly a new cat for Janie....  
YouTube Video https://youtu.be/yWJWehJYLd8

Mike Mason

Friday, June 19, 2020

Something different - a demanding robin...

Something different, with a young robin being taken care of by its parents.
The first shot shows how well it is camouflaged on the ground (spot it in the center of the shot), second wanting food, third getting food and fourth wanting more!!!!! 

Thursday, June 18, 2020

My friendly raccoon and two raccoon families

My very friendly raccoon - waits for me to put the seed out - but is letting me get closer. I think it will be at the seed before I've finished soon!!!! 
YouTube Video https://youtu.be/Dp1cAjWatZs 

Two raccoon families - mother with two cubs and a family of fours cubs playing. 

Mike Mason

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

The four cubs have finally made it to the seed tray.

The four cubs have finally made it to the seed tray - a little late as all the food had gone. But at least they were there at a different time to the coyote. 
YouTube Video https://youtu.be/1wjDhWEYK7o 

Mike Mason

Monday, June 15, 2020

The four raccoon cubs were out exploring last night.

The four raccoon cubs were out exploring last night. (Only three in the picture.)  
YouTube Video https://youtu.be/TSRjIkDmHaE

Mike Mason

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Morning deer visit.....

This deer came through the yard at 10:26 this morning. A great sight for a Sunday morning. 


Mike Mason

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Raccoon with bread, also a visit from the fox and possum

Raccoons do not live by bread alone - but they really enjoy it!!! 
YouTube Video https://youtu.be/ATN75k7bfOE 

We also had a visit from the fox and the possum - but not the momma possum!!

Mike Mason

Friday, June 12, 2020

Raccoon families.....

We had the family of four cubs heading out before dark, and then a family of two cubs and the family of four cubs checking out the seed trays. These mothers are the two early evening raccoons that come to visit. Yesterday one was almost tapping on the back door.
YouTube Video https://youtu.be/4RheM8dvqtw  

Mike Mason

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Raccoon ever closer and the cubs out and back

This little guy came up to the kitchen door - reminding me to get the food out!! Then as soon as I walked out it started to come to the trays. Closest it has let me stand so far!!! Only about three feet away. 

Then the cubs ran out.....  before coming back in the morning...

Mike Mason

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Raccoon "party central" and a late arriving fox....

We are definitely "party central" for raccoons - six last night - and they are not bringing the cubs yet!! The fox was late to the party and all the food had gone!!! 
YouTube Video https://youtu.be/TchFvyj4sRU 

Mike Mason

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Momma and the cubs are back.

Momma and the cubs are back under the shed (all four - but only three in the video). Five raccoons had a party by the seed trays, but the possum wasn't invited. 
YouTube Video https://youtu.be/W-ZFsM33tmU 

Mike Mason

Monday, June 8, 2020

Sharing, or not!!!!

For the most part raccoons are willing to share, but sometimes the possum just doesn't want to share with the raccoon. 
YouTube Video https://youtu.be/gp3YFyyOel8 

Mike Mason

Sunday, June 7, 2020

An ever braver raccoon and an acrobatic squirrel

This little guy sits, staring at the house until I go out and put seed down. Then it runs over and, I think soon, it will be at the trays before I've finished!!! 

The squirrels are around so much that I over-look just how clever they are. This one wraps itself around the sun-flower seed feeder. 

Mike Mason

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Two evening raccoon - one happy, one not!!!

The raccoon on the left is the one that comes as I put the seed out in the evening. The one on the right arrives later. I opened the kitchen door and the left hand raccoon was - "OK - just you", while the one on the right ran as fast as it could to hide under the shed!!! 


Mike Mason

Friday, June 5, 2020

Sun-bathing raccoon.......

This raccoon tried sun-bathing for a while before heading to eat. I guess a little relaxation is needed!!!! The other raccoon was just waiting to get the bowls filled. 

Mike Mason

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Friendly raccoon, raccoons leaving the nest and a coyote.

I wasn't sure that the friendly raccoon would wait until I had finished putting the seed out - but it did. I'm about 4-5 feet away. 

The raccoon family left the nest just before dark (about 9:00pm) and haven't returned. So they may have a new nest somewhere else. I expect we will see them at the seed tray before to long.
YouTube Video https://youtu.be/Iqu-NeU4_rU 

There was also a visit from the coyotes.

Mike Mason