Sunday, December 30, 2018

A fast fox....

The fox ran through quickly last night - didn't stop to feed.
YouTube Video :

Mike Mason

Saturday, December 29, 2018

An early evening visit from a deer

The deer was here early - at about 7:00pm. (A real one this time - not the raindeer....)

Mike Mason

Friday, December 28, 2018

Prime Rib Bones - raccoons and possums

We put some left over prime rib bones out ( thanks Kim ) - and the raccoon and possum enjoyed them.  The possum took one away.....

Mike Mason

Thursday, December 27, 2018

A brief fox visit

We had th usual raccoons and possums, and a brief visit at about 6:15am from the fox.

Mike Mason

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Party Night??????

I think it must have been party night for the raccoons - four at once, but they did arrive two at a time.......  (Not like the four babies in the Summer.)

Mike Mason

Friday, December 21, 2018

A very unusual rabbit visit in the night

Rabbits are usually around at dusk and dawn - but last night this one came through at about 3:30am.  Didn't stop for long.

Mike Mason

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Three BIG raccoons and a fox too late to get anything...

The raccoons really bulk up for the Winter.  I've shown the picture of the three sharing - but the video clip really shows how big they have become....   The fox arrive about 5:00am and was a little late to get anything good....  But it's looking pretty healthy.

Mike Mason

Monday, December 17, 2018

Sharing and a lone deer

The raccoons and possums still have the sharing Christmas spirit (at about midnight) and alone deer visited at 5:00am.
(If you wish to see past visitors - these emails are automatically being added to a blog at:

Sunday, December 16, 2018

A Busy night - as it was warmer

A very busy night - raccoons, possums and raccoons and possums together at times.  No fox or deer, but a visit from a skunk!!!

Mike Mason

Saturday, December 15, 2018

A busy and different night....

Last night there was more traffic - a little warmer!!
The differences
1. The deer visited just before 6:00pm - early,
2. The fox visited just before 7:00pm - also early,
3. and tow possums were sharing with a raccoon.  It's unusual to see two possums together, let alone with a raccoon.  It must be the Christmas spirit.....

Mike Mason

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

A quiet night - but the fox did stop by....

Cold nights do not see much traffic - the raccoons don't hibernate - but they do into a "stupor".  The possums were still out and so was the fox.

Mike Mason

Sunday, December 9, 2018

A busier night.....

It's been quiet the past few nights -TOO COLD!!!  But last night we the usual possums, raccoons, a visit from the fox, and two deer.

Mike Mason

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Hawk in the backyard during the snow....

This hawk paid a visit - there was a large flock of birds flying around at the time - so it might have been hunting.

( I wasn't really that close - but I do have a long lens on the camera...)
Mike Mason

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Not many animals on a cold, snowy night - but a rabbit and fox - about 10 minutes apart.

Not many animals on a cold, snowy night - but a rabbit and fox - about 10 minutes apart. The rabbit we see once in a while, then the fox was there about 10 minutes later, after the rabbit had made a quick getaway.  Both around three in the morning - while the snow was falling.

Mike Mason

Monday, December 3, 2018

Skunk decides to stay away....

The skunk was given the "eye" but the possum and decided not to try its luck - specially after the possum attacked it the other night.  The skunk is getting pretty fat - ready for Winter.....

Mike Mason

Saturday, December 1, 2018

A deer early, a fox later, and a possum-skunk fight....

An interesting night.  The deer was early at about 6:30pm, then the fox bounded in a few times at about 9:00pm.  Finally the skunk was eating when the possum attacked.  The skunks do NOT spray in those situations - it seems they only spray when the are chased.....

Skunk-possum YouTube Video :

Mike Mason